Public Records Request

Public Records Requests

The City Clerk is custodian of the City’s records and is responsible for administering the City’s records management system. Records management involves storage, retrieval, destruction, and responding to requests for public records. The City’s records are stored at City Hall, off-site at a records repository, and in digital form. All records are retained according to a records retention schedule, including certain records that are retained permanently.

Public Records

California law designates the vast majority of the City’s records as available for public disclosure. These laws also provide certain categories of records that are exempt from public disclosure, such as personnel records, records related to current litigation or current real estate negotiations, and such.

  • Records that are disclosed to the public may be viewed at City Hall or on the NextRequest portal at no charge.
  • The cost of copying records is charged to the requestor, based on the type of copy requested. If mailed, these costs are also paid by the requestor.

Responding to Requests for Public Records

The City responds to requests for records based on whether it is a Routine Request or a Comprehensive Request.

  • Routine Requests: These are requests for records commonly known to be disclosable and if the response can be made during the normal process of providing customer service by a single department.
  • Comprehensive Records Requests: These are requests that involve records from multiple departments, are broad in nature, request extensive numbers or records, require research by staff, require extensive copying time and expense, request records stored off-site, need City Attorney review to determine if records may be exempt from disclosure, or other circumstances that prevent a response upon request.
    • Requests are made to the City Clerk.
    • The City Clerk will coordinate response to request.
    • Records are made available for viewing upon request.
    • Copies are made upon request for a fee (20 cents per copied page; $5 per copied CD or DVD).

Requests for Public Records

To submit a request:

  • U.S. Mail to City of Del Rey Oaks at:

    650 Canyon Del Rey Blvd.

    Del Rey Oaks, CA 93940
  • Fax transmission: 831-394-6421

Please Note: Items such as City Council meeting agendas, staff reports and minutes, as well as documents such as the Municipal Code and General Plan, are available elsewhere on this website (visit the appropriate department or use the search feature in the upper right corner). These documents may also be viewed in person at the City Clerk's Office during regular business hours; it is highly recommended that you call in advance to schedule an appointment to view any documents.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding obtaining public records, please feel free to call the City Clerk's Office at 831-394-9333.