About Del Rey Oaks

About Del Rey Oaks

About Del Rey Oaks


The City of Del Rey Oaks was incorporated on September 3, 1953. Since then we’ve come a long way. We now have over 1,650 residents.



We have a full city government including:

• City Council

• Planning Commission

• Police Department

• City Clerks Office

• Public Works Department


Mission Statement

The mission of the City of Del Rey Oaks is to provide quality municipal services to those who live, work and visit our safe, small town in the sunbelt of the Monterey Peninsula.


Vision Statement

Del Rey Oaks will be a unified city with interconnected, welcoming and thriving neighborhoods, parks and a vibrant downtown.


Core Values (not in priority order)

The City of Del Rey Oaks values...

Fiscal Responsibility

Honesty and Integrity

Open Communication and Transparency

Ethical Behavior

Responsiveness to Community Needs and Concerns

Diversity and Inclusiveness


Our fire service is provided by Seaside Fire Department and they are very involved in the city and its residents for fire safety and prevention as well as emergencies.


We also work hand in hand with many local agencies including the following: